Thursday, March 29, 2007

She Says...Brokers DO Suck

A few additional comments about this pain-in-the-balls experience:

1. There is a reason the broker didn't say a word - He didn't speak English and/or was mentally handicapped (all kidding aside). Seriously, I think the only actual communication we had with him was when he waved to us from across the street. Well, that and when I HELD THE DOOR, for this MAN. Way to close the deal buddy.

2. One good thing did happen and that is; I think I found a new gay bestie. The building manager was fabulous, flamboyant and rolled his eyes when One T started gabbing about his Gigantic (get your mind out of the gutter) TV. I totally should have gotten his number.

Hunting for an NYC apartment on a budget truly is one of the most frustrating experiences in the world...and we've only seen one so far. In true princess style, I've pretty much already given up. Soon I will resort to sulking, crying, whining and shouting things like, "We might as well move to Iowa! We're never going to find a place!" At least I can wear my tiara when I do this.

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